measuring tape

How to Avoid Camel Toeing in Leggings

How to Avoid Camel Toeing in Leggings

Leggings have become a staple in women's wardrobes - the go-to fashion item, the “king cheese” of clothing, if you will, that just works and goes with every outfit. Why are leggings so popular? Their comfort and versatility. Not only do they come in cute patterns and various fabrics to match your personality and design preferences, but they’re also incredibly comfortable, offering more than fashion but functionality. 

All that love for leggings set aside, camel toes are a common issue women face when wearing leggings.

 If you want to rock your leggings confidently without the unflattering and uncomfortable appearance of camel toe, here are five tips on how to avoid camel toeing in leggings.

5 Style Secrets to Sidestep Camel Toeing in Leggings

Choose the Right Size

Choosing the right size is like picking a partner – it's all about compatibility. Finding the right leggings that fit your body is essential to avoid discomfort or unsightly appearances. Too tight? Camel toe. Too loose? Fabric bunching camel toe. (Oof!) Avoid both ways of getting this common issue (and other fashion issues) with the right size of leggings or yoga pants.

Measure Yourself To Get The Perfect Fit

To ensure a proper fit, take accurate measurements of your waist, hips, and inseam before purchasing those adorable leggings you’ve been eyeing. Different brands and manufacturers may have slight variations in their sizing, so relying on your usual clothing size might not be accurate. Take out that measuring tape and measure your waist at the narrowest part, your hips at the fullest part, and your inseam from your crotch - yes, we said crotch - to the desired length of the leggings.

In Between Sizes of Leggings? Go Up!

If you find yourself in between sizes, opting for the larger size is generally recommended to minimize the risk of camel toe. Leggings or yoga pants that are slightly looser are less likely to dig into your skin and create those unwanted lines. 

Be Patient to Find The Right Pair 

Remember that the goal is to find a balance between comfort and proper fit and to avoid camel toe, meaning you have a lot to look out for when choosing the perfect pair of leggings that check all these boxes. So, it’s important to be patient when finding what fits. Everyone has a different body type, so trying on many different sizes and styles can help you determine which ones suit your body shape and size the best.

Look for Quality Fabrics

The fabric of your leggings is a crucial factor in preventing camel toe. When choosing the suitable fabric, opting for high-quality materials that stretch can make a noticeable difference in your comfort and confidence while wearing leggings or yoga pants.

Thicker Fabrics to Prevent Camel Toe

Thicker fabrics, such as ones blended with nylon, spandex, or polyester, tend to be more forgiving and less prone to bunching. These fabrics offer better support and structure, allowing the leggings to hug your curves without creating those unflattering lines and camel toe bulges.

Thin Fabrics Welcome Camel Toe

Leggings made from thin or low-quality materials lack the necessary durability and stretch, making them more likely to accentuate a camel toe. Because they don't have the thickness required to offer full coverage,  a camel toe is nearly impossible to avoid. 

Choose Leggings with a Reinforced Crotch Gusset

women sitting on the couch in a pair of leggings

Mmhmm, “crotch gusset” - that extra fabric designed for more functionality and support. By  Introducing a reinforced crotch gusset design, you change the game when preventing camel toe in leggings and yoga pants. 

What Makes Gussets a Camel Toe Game-Changer?

The double-layered design of a gusset means two layers of fabric are in the crotch area, providing an additional barrier between your body and the leggings. This extra layer helps distribute the fabric evenly, reducing the likelihood of any bunching or gathering that can lead to camel toe. The added material also ensures a smoother and more seamless appearance, giving you peace of mind and confidence when wearing leggings.

Opt for Patterns and Darker Colors

Patterns and darker colors can be your best friend when concealing camel toes. The strategic use of busy patterns and darker shades in your leggings can work wonders in camouflaging any potential bunching or lines that may appear in that particular area, helping you feel more confident and at ease.

Show Your Personality and Avoid Camel Toe with Patterns

Busy patterns, such as floral prints, geometric designs, or abstract motifs, can be incredibly effective in diverting attention away. The intricate patterns create a visual distraction, making it harder for the eye to focus on any potential camel toe. The pattern's varying shapes and colors help break up any lines or irregularities, giving the illusion of a smooth and seamless look. So whether you want to avoid camel toe or a different insecurity, consider a busy pattern.

Darker Colors Can Help

Likewise, dark colors can remarkably minimize the visibility of camel toe. Dark shades like black, navy blue, charcoal gray, or deep burgundy naturally draw less attention to specific areas of your body. 

Consider Layering to Avoid Camel Toe

Group of women wearing activewear

If you're still concerned about camel toe mishaps, consider layering your leggings with a longer top, tunic, or cardigan.

At Undersummers, we have a ton of cute cardigans to pair with your favorite leggings. We encourage you to check them out!

Combat Camel Toe with Cozy Extra Layers

Extra layers help create a visual barrier, making a camel toe, or any other fashion issue, less noticeable. Layering can add style and versatility to your outfit while providing extra coverage and warmth.

Conclusion on Camel Toe and Leggings

Camel toes are a common concern when wearing leggings, and we shouldn't be ashamed! Camel toes happen to the best of us, but with the right knowledge and camel toe tips, you can easily avoid this everyday fashion mishap.

Remember to choose the right size every time. Look for quality fabrics with a reinforced crotch or gusset. Consider patterns and darker colors so that a camel toe is more discreet. If you can't avoid camel toe but still want to wear specific leggings, explore layering options.

By following these five tips, you'll enjoy the comfort and style of leggings without worrying about camel toeing.

Ready to embrace your confidence and strut your stuff with leggings that fit just right?  Shop now at and discover so many cute, comfortable, camel-toe-free leggings.

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Meet our founder: CarrieRae

Undersummers Shortlettes were created CarrieRae's personal need for comfortable thigh protection when she was working as a teacher. In 2011, her thick thighs rubbed and she needed a comfortable solution.  Pants are blazing hot in the Houston spring/summer months, shorts are not acceptable to wear to work, so she was left with capris and dresses.  Her thighs did not support wearing dresses, thigh chafing was too uncomfortable.  The idea of wearing a breezy dress sounded so comfortable to her, that she created the solution to her problem:  The Original Lace Shortlette®️. She wanted something to wear that was a single layer, the legs stayed put, comfy, and most importantly, pretty.

CarrieRae Munson